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What are Online Resources?

An online resource usually contains information that is either not available for free on the internet or is difficult to find. The Library subscribes to online resources in order to make this information available to cardholders. Typically, the information in these resources is not found using a search engine such as Google.

Using these resources allows you to access the hidden web!

Online Resources A-Z

  • Academic OneFile
    Scholarly publication, trade journals, magazines, and newspapers covering all academic disciplines. Includes full-text articles.
  • Brainfuse - HelpNow
    Free one-to-one help online from Brainfuse tutors for children, teens and adults from 1 pm-10 pm daily. Access skill building exercises anytime. Experts also review and respond to submitted questions and papers.
    Thanks to the Eugene Public Library Foundation for funding Brainfuse.
  • Driver's Ed Practice Tests
    Free DMV permit practice tests for cars, motorcycles, and CDL.
  • Gale General OneFile
    Millions of full-text articles in a one-stop source on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature, art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Updated daily.
  • Gale In Context: High School
    Designed for high school researchers, find primary sources, articles from news media and reference materials, videos, images of the time-period or topic, audio files, biographies, and websites. For grades 9-12.
  • Gale In Context: Middle School
    Authoritative content for reports or general interest covering areas such as history, literature, science and social studies. Articles, images, and video. For grades 6-8.
  • Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints
    Information and discussion about current issues and events including arguments from different viewpoints from a variety of sources.
  • Gale In Context: U.S. History
    Coverage begins with the arrival of Vikings in North America and continues through the present-day with news articles, videos, images, audio files, and suggested websites. For grades 6-12.
  • Gale OneFile: High School Edition
    Current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports, and more. Search magazines, newspapers and other reference content. For grades 9-12.
  • NoveList Plus Featured
    Book recommendations for favorite authors, titles and series. Search by title, author, plot or writing style to find read-alikes or browse reviews and discussion guides.
  • Oregon Career Information System
    Learn about individual jobs and the education and required training for each. Includes topics and programs of study, financial aid awards, employment outlooks, and industry interviews.

How do I log in?

What is my library card number?
Your 14-digit library card number is located on the back of your card, below the barcode. Be sure to include the 0 at the start of the number but no spaces.

What is my password?
Your password was set up when you first got your library card. It is case sensitive and may contain a combination of letters and numbers.