En español: Ayuda gratis en la biblioteca para buscar trabajo
Get one-on-one assistance by appointment at the Downtown Eugene Public Library. Call Lane County Workforce Services at 541-686-7985 to schedule an in-person appointment in English or Spanish.
Experts from Lane County Workforce Services assist job seekers with online applications, resumes, cover letters, interviewing skills, community resources, networking, and training scholarships. They help people make career plans, become more employable, improve job search skills, and find work.
Lane Workforce Partnership is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, 10am - 12pm
Join Lane County Workforce Services to explore ways to identify your skills and interests while researching possible career choices. Career exploration will provide you access to assessments based on preference and gained experiences. In addition, get a review the labor market and discover jobs in growing local industries.
At the time of the meeting, visit https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/812729269. The meeting ID # is 812-729-269. You may be prompted to download the free GoToMeeting app or log in on the web. GoToMeeting is free. You can also attend by phone at 646-749-3122.
This workshop will be held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, featuring updated information and changing conversations. Participate at one session or more. No registration needed.
These services are co-sponsored by Lane County Human Services, Lane Workforce Partnership, and Eugene Public Library. For more information, contact Lane County Workforce Services by phone 541-686-7985 or email lchswm@lanecountyor.gov